The following guidelines outline the approved procedure for construction and demolition work to be carried out in San Fernando. For further clarification please contact the Engineering Department at City Hall for further information. 

Guidelines to Owners for Construction of buildings within the City of San Fernando.

(In accordance with the Municipal Corporation Act of 1990, Available HERE)

Your attention is directed to the following offenses and their respective penalties, pursuant to the aforementioned Chapter 21 of the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago as amended:



  1. Breaking up street of pavement of placing any post or other structure on the street without consent [125(1)]             

Fine of $5000.00 and $500 for every day that the offense continues 

2. Encroaching on any street by erecting any structure or by erecting any fence or bridge or by digging any drain or by doing any works on or adjacent to such street [127(1)]

Fine of $8000.00 and Engineer may remove obstruction. 

3. Destroying or defacing a street name sign 

Fine of $500.00

4. Erecting any pole or post in a street 

Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues 

5. Impeding the free flow of water in any drain or watercourse in or adjoining any street or in any drain or watercourse on any land into or through which water from any such street flows

Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues 

6. Displaying a sign on or along a building less than 3 meters high from footway and projecting more than 30cm over footway [150(1)]

Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues

7. Marking an advertisement on a street of footway [154(1)] 

Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues

8. Exposing merchandise in such a manner that it projects or hangs over any part of a street [155]

Fine of $500.00 and $50.00 for every day that offense continues

9. Altering or making an addition to a building without conforming to requirements of Town and Country Act and Building Regulations [158(2)]

Fine of $1500.00 and $150.00 for every day that offense continues.

10. Occupying a new building without a certificate from Engineer [161]

Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day the offense continues. 

11. Commencing work in contravention of the relevant laws and failing to comply with notice of Engineer to discontinue work [162(1)(2)]

Fine $1000.00 for every day work continues.

12. Pulling down or removing a building in a city or borough without giving notice to C.E.O [164(3)]

Fine $4000.00

13. Removing a building from a site without paying rates and charges due to the Corporation [166]

Fine $1000.00

14. Erecting or altering a building without plans approved by Council or Contrary to approved plans [168]

Fine of $1000.00 and $100.00 for every day offense continues.

15. Failing to comply with a notice from a Council to altering a building used as a public to offer protection to persons who may resort thereto [172(1)(2)]

Fine of $5000.00 and $500.00 for every day that offense continues.

16. Using a building as public building after receiving a notice from the Council prohibiting such usage [172(5)]

Fine of $5000.00 for every day

17. Failing to comply with the order of a magistrate that:

a.) The Requirements of a notice by the Engineer to demolish a dangerous structure be complied with [175]: or

b.) The requirements of a notice by the Engineer to demolish or repair a dilapidated building be complied with [176]; or

c.) The requirements of a notice by Engineer requiring the owner of a building with structure dangerous to occupiers of any neighbouring building be demolished or repaired [177][Section 179] 

Fine $3000.00 and $200.00 for every day of non compliance 

18. Occupying the footway or thoroughfareduring building operations or otherwise with scaffolding, hoardings or materials without permission of the Engineer [183]

Fine $500.00 and $50.00 for everyday offense continues [226(1)]

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